Exercise for prostatitis

Exercise for prostatitis in men

Prostatitis or adenoma, leading to urinary disorders and sexual dysfunction, is the result of general aging of the body or external infectionsand improper lifestyle.

Regardless of the cause of this pathology, a set of special physical exercises can significantly facilitate the treatment and rehabilitation of the prostate gland in men.

General physical education, its effects tripled with a healthy diet and rejecting alcohol and tobacco, strengthening a man's immune system and hormonesHe and in most cases exclude the appearance of prostatitis, even in old age.

But in the case of even the slightest signs of infection such as difficulty and pain when urinating, you should seek medical attention before self-medicating. The intensity of prostatitis symptoms can be deceiving. Only after the study of a specialist is it possible to determine the stage and nature of the disease process as well as the corresponding physical exercises.

Patients diagnosed with chronic prostatitis and recovering from adenoma surgery are assigned special therapeutic exercises, performed under the supervision of a doctor. In milder forms of inflammation, the effect of drug therapy can be supported by exercises that strengthen the muscles and improve blood circulation in the pelvic region. Physical activity not only stimulates the metabolism but also relieves the psychological stress caused by the disease and supports the male body, revealing the full ability to self-medicate.

Exercise every day

The entire male population of the planet has to follow a sedentary lifestyle to one degree or another. Those who only work in the case of long-term freezing at the fifth point, i. e. those with a daily sedentary regimen of eight hours or more, are recommended to exercise regularly and do short warm-ups every half hour atstatic position, no matter where the person is.

It is possible to include prostatitis prevention exercises on the special exercise menu, or you can just do one of them as a short warm-up, repeated up to ten times. All exercises are performed while standing, the first movement is inhalation, moving to the starting position of exhalation. Back straight, feet not touching the floor.

  • Sell a squat with knees sideways;
  • Raise the bent leg at the knee so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. Then move your legs straight back, you can change this exercise, bring your legs to the side. If you find it difficult to maintain your balance, you can first exercise with your hands on the back of the chair. Then move on to enforcement without emphasis;
  • Slow circular motion with one leg straightened, while stretching the glutes;
  • Wide anterior and lateral lung. In this case, the other leg is bent;
  • Jump in place, with two legs and alternating legs;
  • Pulled up to the ceiling with arms extended.

For warm-up all day, you can use abs and butt stretches. The main rule is to hold the tightest muscles in place and relax as often as possible. Furthermore, these exercises can also be performed in a sitting position.

stair climbing is another easy-to-do exercise for prostatitis, which will strengthen your pelvic muscles. You can mimic such steps on a bench or chair, while depending on how tired you are, you can do this exercise in different rhythms from slow walking to fast running.

Collection of exercises for the pelvic organs

a set of exercises for prostatitis in men

Exercises for prostatitis and adenoma must be strictly normalized: you cannot be exhausted, you are bound to adhere to the measures and get energy and joy frompractice.

When exercising in the morning or exercising on a carpet at home, do exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and perineum and improve blood circulation in the lower body. It is important to note that exercise progress is not only measured by increasing the number of repetitions but also by improving the technique. The stretching should increase gradually over time, the movements will become light and clear.

Most exercises are done with leg movements on your back:

  • Straight leg raised perpendicular to the floor and held for a few seconds;
  • Straighten bent legs at knees parallel to the floor;
  • Leg movements are like biking, you need up to 500 circular movements a day. In this case, the movement must be performed both clockwise and counter-clockwise;
  • Raise your pelvis with knees bent on the floor, then straighten legs and extend them in opposite directions;
  • Draw circles and octaves with your feet, you can diversify this exercise by moving your legs together and stretching up and down and diagonally;
  • From a prone position, you need to raise your legs and spread them to the sides. Fix this position for a few seconds.

You also need to practice:

  • Ball exercise: roll while sitting and lying down, squeeze the ball between hips and legs, dance in this pose.
  • Floor pushers, for beginners - from walls or beams.
  • Hold chair: position that focuses on elbows and feet.
  • Move on your butt while sitting.
  • Jump rope.
  • Lean forward from a supine position with feet fixed.

In everyday fitness complexes, there must be exercises to stretch muscles and increase flexibility for the lower spine.

Yoga for prostatitis

Before doing the exercises called asanas, you'll need to do some prep work. To determine which exercise is right for each particular case, you need to have a basic knowledge of hatha yoga, reach a certain level of muscle tension, and master a particular breathing complex.

Here's a description of the three asanas that will require quite a long training to complete:

  • Legs not completely separated from the floor 10 cm, body bent and arms extended forward touching feet. The same is done in the other direction;
  • Straight posture, body weight is shifted to one side of the leg contraction. The other leg goes through the support leg, the hands are interlocked and hug the body;
  • Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands and stretch as much as you can.

Invisible gymnastics for prostatitis

Treatment exercises for prostatitis

These are special physical exercises designed for prostatitis and need concentration and relaxation. With their help, a unique massage effect will be achieved. The exercise should be repeated several times a day, 10-20 times.

  • While inhaling, pull the anus in, when exhaling, relax. It is important to do the exercise in a rhythmic manner using two different options. During the first time, withdrawal and relaxation are done steadily as quickly as possible. In the latter case, the state of maximum tension should be held for as long as possible, then the muscles must be gradually and gradually loosened - also prolonging this process as much as possible.
  • Interrupted urination. You can literally practice interrupting the flow of urine, increasing the number of breaks like that to 30 times with each urination. You can also simulate urination disruption by contracting muscles.

These exercises can and should be done for prostatitis and prostate adenoma, alternating positions: standing, sitting, lying down. If done correctly, you may feel hot in the groin area, there may be a slight pain that will go away over time.

Physical therapy exercise

This is a set of special physical exercises for the treatment of prostatitis, as a rule, combined with massage and other physiotherapy procedures, helping to restore erectile functions. stiffness, urination and defecation are impaired. Such exercises, in principle of repeating preventive exercise complexes, are prescribed by the doctor, depending on the medical history, and after the urologist decides the question of how to treat the disease. Exercising with prostatitis can increase pain, so it's important to do them with regular medical supervision.

Exercise for chronic prostatitis is very rare. As directed by the urologist, simulated exercises and using weights and barbells to pump certain muscle groups can also be ordered.

Any form of physical activity - walking, running, swimming, skipping, cycling, if there are no medical contraindications, can contribute to prostatitis treatment, improve fitnesslive and improve the patient's mood.